Eating a meal. Such an ordinary and everyday activity that we do without much thought. But eating a meal together with others can be so much more. Some of the most significant events in the Bible were marked with a meal. Many of the holidays in the life of Israel in the Old Testament included feasts. Jesus’ instructions for the Lord's Supper was a meal in remembrance of his death on the cross.
The life of the early church was characterized by the community sharing meals together: “And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts” (Acts 2:46 ESV).
At Redeemer, we recognize the surprising power of the meal. That is why on the fourth Sunday of each month (from Sept–May) after the worship gathering we celebrate what we call “The Family Feast”. So join us as we gather around the table for grace, community, hospitality, and gratitude.